Managing contaminant pathways and attenuation to create headroom for productive land use.
Project Details Ngā taipitopito
Collaborators Ngā haumi
AgResearch | Beef + Lamb NZ | Environment Canterbury | Environment Southland | ESR | Greater Wellington Regional Council | Landcorp | Lincoln Agritech | Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research | NIWA | Northland Regional Council | Tasman Regional Council | Tipa and Associates | Waikato Regional Council
About half (55%) of agricultural contaminants (nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment, faecal microbes) are naturally removed as they flow from land to sea – but this percentage varies greatly for different soils and landscapes.
Land-owners need site-specific information about the sources of these contaminants, their rate of transport to receiving waters, and how they are diluted while transported. This knowledge will enable the identification of critical source areas to target cost-effective mitigation interventions, and contribute to our understanding of the potential effects of different land uses on the environment (land use suitability).
The Sources and Flows programme brought together climate, soil, hydrology and water quality scientists to develop a multi-component framework that integrates and fills key gaps in knowledge about the source, transport and transformation of agricultural contaminants. The components of this framework can be incorporated into existing water quality tools and used in the development of new tools.
Sources and Flows researchers also assessed the effectiveness of efforts over the past 20 years to mitigate the impacts of farming on water quality.