Resources for

Hapū and Iwi

Laura Bolt, Truestock

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Our research is developed by and with Māori communities, for real relevance to your land. Hapū, iwi and whānau can use these resources to support decisions that improve the vitality of te Taiao – for all the generations to come

Information Type
Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results
Journal Article

Indigenous entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand

This research is a contribution to theory and to indigenous community entrepreneurship in demonstrating what values and behaviours are assistive in confronting shocks, crises and…
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Technical Report

Enhancing Māori agribusiness through kaitiakitanga tools

This report focuses on Māori agribusinesses and their dynamic and holistic approach to natural resources that seek to balance commercial and cultural imperatives. An overview…
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Interactive Tool

Kete Aronui of Iwi of Te Taitokerau

This web-based resource informs the Iwi consortium of CEOs of personal income levels, sources of income, type of employment or business ownership, employment within industry…
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Mā Waitangi Catchment Pilot

This provides a new web enabled access tool that connects cultural GIS data and soil and water science, with the Māori Maps marae community platform.…
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Technical Report

Whakapapakainga: A template of cross-generational development for marae-communities

Through case study research in Northland, New Zealand, this thesis investigates the future of papakainga (kin-community settlements) and their marae (ancestral centres of tribal identity).…
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Applying a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Framework to Facilitate Adoption of Next Generation Land-Use Systems in New Zealand

A land-use assessment framework has been developed by Next Generation Systems research to explore opportunities for adopting more suitable land use and to identify gaps…
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Connecting NZ Food & NZ Farmers to the World

Central Plains Water farmer meeting, December 2018
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Technical Report

The Case for a Novel Edible Nut Agroforestry System

This paper reviews the case for a novel agroforestry system in the Rotorua lakes catchments, based on an interest in trees that can produce edible…
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What You Can Do In Your Catchment

A catchment, or whaitua, is an area of land where rain flows into a common river, lake or other body of water. A healthy water…
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Awanui Huka Pak: Producing Kai in the Footprints of Our Forebears

Read about the largest Māori kiwifruit entity operating in Aotearoa, Awanui Huka Pak. Featuring the kōrero of Te Awanui Huka Pak chairperson, Ratahi Cross, we…
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Cathy Taite-Jamieson and BioFarm: Dairy Farming with Nature in the Manawatū

Her organic BioFarm yoghurt is available in most supermarkets in Aotearoa but she only milks around 100 cows. Read more here about the Māori and…
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