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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results
Journal Article

Municipal composts reduce the transfer of Cd from soil to vegetables

Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential trace element that accumulates in agricultural soils through the application of Cd-rich phosphate fertiliser. Vegetables can accumulate Cd to concentrations…
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Technical Report

The Matrix of Drivers 2016: Driving Better Investment and Accelerating Impact Through a Prioritisation Matrix

This report presents the first stage of an overview of international and national drivers which have the potential to affect land use change and/or practice.…
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Journal Article

The effect of soil moisture extremes on the pathways and forms of phosphorus lost in runoff from two contrasting soil types

Soil moisture and Olsen P concentrations play an important role in phosphorus (P) losses in runoff. Our hypotheses were as follows: (1) rainfall applied to…
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Technical Report

Co-Innovation Leads to High-Impact Indicators

This paper was commissioned by the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge to test the hypothesis: ‘Co-innovation leads to high impact indicators.’ The Challenge…
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Technical Report

How Value Chains Can Share Value and Incentivise Land Use Practices

The research team was commissioned to write a paper on how value chains can better share value (economic, environmental, social and cultural) from consumer to…
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Journal Article

The effect of irrigation and urine application on phosphorus losses to subsurface flow from a stony soil

Factors such as irrigation and soil pH can increase the solubility of P and its loss to water. Urine patches are known to alter pH…
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Journal Article

Estimation of Catchment Nutrient Loads in New Zealand Using Monthly Water Quality Monitoring Data

Causes of variation between nutrient loads estimated using alternative calculation methods and their repeatability were investigated using 20 years of daily flow and monthly concentration…
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Journal Article

Estimation of nutrient loads from monthly water quality data

Causes of variation between loads estimated using alternative calculation methods and their repeatability were investigated using 20 years of daily flow and monthly concentration samples…
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Journal Article

A copula-based analysis of severity-duration-frequency of droughts in six climatic regions of NZ

We used a copula to model the joint drought duration-severity distribution and frequency to generate SDF curves for six locations in different climatic regions (3…
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Technical Report

Predicting Land-Based Nitrogen Loads and Attenuation in the Rangitikei River Catchment – the model development

We investigated and developed a simple model to account for the influence of different soil types and underlying geology on the transformation of nitrogen (N)…
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Technical Report

Shifting from land-use capability to land-use suitability

The LUS classification system will be based on concatenation of three categories: land-use potential, contribution to catchment contaminant delivery, and pressure in receiving environments (Fig.…
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