Output Tool Technical Report 2
Jingwei Ke, Pexels

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How Value Chains Can Share Value and Incentivise Land Use Practices

September 2016

The research team was commissioned to write a paper on how value chains can better share value (economic, environmental, social and cultural) from consumer to producer and incentivise land use practices that relieve tensions between national and international drivers.

This involved a review of the high impact scientific literature, and an application in the context of New Zealand export value chains to explore the ability of value chains to share value, paying particular attention to governance issues. Because the focus was on value chains from consumer to producer, the review concentrated on market-oriented, collaborative value chains.

The research provided insights into the characteristics of’good’ market oriented value chains for delivering value that incentivises sustainable land use practices and how these characteristics might be relevant for collaborative value chains for New Zealand’s key export products from its land and freshwater resources.

Think piece for Our Land and Water

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