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Increasing Value

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People overseas value many things about New Zealand food, and many customers are willing to pay more for these qualities. These resources can inform the development of practices, products and value chains that reward farmers and growers for sustainable production.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 95 results
Technical Report

How Value Chains Can Share Value and Incentivise Land Use Practices

The research team was commissioned to write a paper on how value chains can better share value (economic, environmental, social and cultural) from consumer to…
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Journal Article

Indigenous entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand

This research is a contribution to theory and to indigenous community entrepreneurship in demonstrating what values and behaviours are assistive in confronting shocks, crises and…
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Journal Article

When experts disagree: The need to rethink indicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture

Sustainability indicators are well recognized for their potential to assess and monitor sustainable development of agricultural systems. A large number of indicators are proposed in…
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Technical Report

Enhancing Māori agribusiness through kaitiakitanga tools

This report focuses on Māori agribusinesses and their dynamic and holistic approach to natural resources that seek to balance commercial and cultural imperatives. An overview…
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Journal Article

Rewarding Responsible Innovation when Consumers are Distant from Producers: Evidence from NZ

This paper examined the question of whether local producers can be rewarded for responsible innovation (for example, to improve sustainability of production) when the bulk…
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Measuring What Counts: Revenue and Reputation

High Value Nutrition NZ Conference, September 2017
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Journal Article

Governance of market-oriented fresh food value chains: Export chains from NZ

This study explored how the governance of a global food value chain can facilitate the value chain’s market orientation towards the values of final consumers.…
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Technical Report

The Governance of Value Creation and Capture in Agri-Food Supply Chains: A Conceptual Framework, Propositions and Protocols

The concept of value is central to business operations and how the process of value creation and value capture is managed is a critical success…
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Technical Report

Consumer Insights and Willingness to Pay for Attributes: NZ Yoghurt Products in Shanghai, China

To achieve greater value in global markets, New Zealand can increase its understanding of our international customers’ demands for products from New Zealand’s land and…
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Technical Report

Consumer Insights and Willingness to Pay for Attributes: NZ Beef Products in California, USA

To achieve greater value in global markets, New Zealand can increase its understanding of our international customers’ demands for products from New Zealand’s land and…
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Technical Report

Technologies and Audit Systems for Authenticating Food Trust

Collaborative value chains that effectively communicate credence attributes will help enhance New Zealand’s global reputation for sustainable and high quality primary products. This report describes…
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