Resources related to

Increasing Value

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People overseas value many things about New Zealand food, and many customers are willing to pay more for these qualities. These resources can inform the development of practices, products and value chains that reward farmers and growers for sustainable production.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 69 results

Mauri Whenua Ora

Unlocking the potential of Māori land by advancing new production systems and market opportunities, using a mātauranga-centred framework
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Story Kaitangita Hero

Storying Kaitiakitanga

Sharing kaitiakitanga values and practices in the Māori agricultural sector to enhance productivity and identify new niche markets
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Kids & Co Photos / Laura Bolt / TrueStock

Matarau: Empowering Māori Landowners in Land Use Decisions

Providing accessible and useful data to support Māori landowners to prioritise land-use options
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