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Soil erosion losses and contributions from underlying sources/causes

Regional maps of modelled soil loss from surface erosion across Aotearoa New Zealand are provided in .tif fomat for use in GIS. These large .zip files (use 7-zip or…
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Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones in New Zealand – image

Map of the potential groundwater recharge zones across New Zealand (500m x 500m resolution), which can be used to identify areas of high nutrient leaching…
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Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones in New Zealand – GIS raster zip file

Map of the potential groundwater recharge zones across New Zealand (500m x 500m resolution), which can be used to identify areas of high nutrient leaching…
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Mā Waitangi Catchment Pilot

This provides a new web enabled access tool that connects cultural GIS data and soil and water science, with the Māori Maps marae community platform.…
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