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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Showing 1 - 12 of 121 results

Land use suitability: A spatially-explicit framework for supporting land management decisions

NZ Freshwater Sciences Conference, December 2018
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Recent advances in reporting and interpreting water quality trends

NZ Freshwater Sciences Conference, December 2018
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Land use transformation; can science de-risk barriers to land use change?

NZ Society of Soil Science Conference, December 2018, Napier
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Science to policy and back again: compliant land use practices still cause P leaching

NZ Freshwater Sciences Conference – December 2018
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Physiographic Environments of NZ: An integrated landscape classification for understanding variation in water quality

New Zealand Soil Science Society Conference, December 2018
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Investigation of methods to predict groundwater redox status with variable amounts of available well data

Hydrological Society Annual Conference, December 2018
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Investigation of methods to predict groundwater redox status using limited data

NZ Freshwater Sciences Society Annual Conference, December 2018
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CLUES calibration – can we use CLUES to estimate attenuation?

NZ Freshwater Sciences Society Annual Conference, December 2018
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Mitigating the impacts of dairy farming on water quality – what have we achieved?

NZ Society of Soil Science, December 2018
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Variability of E. coli in rivers during base-flow conditions

Water Microbiology Conference, May 2018 | NZ Freshwater Sciences Society Annual Conference, December 2018
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Technical Report

Global Guidance on Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators – Volume 2

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) approaches for the characterisation of acidification and eutrophication aim to trace the fate of an acidifying or eutrophying emission, the…
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Journal Article

The Influence of a flood event on the potential sediment control of baseflow phosphorus concentrations in an intensive agricultural catchment

We sampled sediments in an agricultural catchment in Reporoa, New Zealand, before and after a scouring flood event. The tributary was chosen for its low…
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