Resources related to

Te Mana o Te Wai


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Te Mana o Te Wai puts the health of water first. These resources can support all users of water in Aotearoa to understand and implement this mātauranga Māori concept that is now the first principle for freshwater management in Aotearoa.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 69 results

Te Mana o te Wai Factsheet 1: hapū and Iwi

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an introduction to Te Mana o Te Wai, the opportunities it presents for Iwi and hapū,…
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Te Mana o te Wai Training Programme for Regional Councils

The Te Mana o Te Wai Training Programme has been developed as a minimum training standard for those with statutory roles within, or proximate to,…
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Rangatiratanga o te Wai Facilitation Programme

The Rangatira o Te Wai Facilitation Programme has been developed to assist and empower iwi, hapū and mana whenua to prepare for Te Mana o…
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Te Mana o te Wai Guidelines for Mana Whenua

These guidelines have been developed for a range of users; however, it is primarily focused on guidelines that would benefit whānau, hapū and iwi. Local…
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Te Mana o te Wai Factsheet 5: Monitoring and Enforcement

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an introduction to Te Mana o Te Wai, its relationship to the National Objectives Framework, and…
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Technical Report

eDNA as a holistic measure of pastoral landscape effects on taonga species

Freshwater quality is measured with key indicators such as faecal indicator bacteria (E. coli), nitrates and phosphates. For communities, such indicators are vague and somewhat…
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Technical Report

Nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and Escherichia coli in New Zealand’s aquatic receiving environments: Comparison of current state to national bottom lines

This report is the first assessment of where ‘bottom lines’ for contaminants are exceeded across Aotearoa. It reveals the size of job required to achieve…
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Research Findings Brief: Current state of water contaminants compared to bottom lines

This short, plain-language Research Findings Brief is for regional council planners and central government policy analysts. The briefing document summarises research that evaluated the current…
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Journal Article

The Role of Relationships, Respect, and Self-determination in Creating Equitable Research Partnerships: The Case of Revitalise Te Taiao

Forming equitable research partnerships is a well-known challenge, particularly when some partners are indigenous and others have a colonizing heritage of exercising power over others.…
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Implementing Te Mana o Te Wai

Supporting iwi, hapū, water users, and decision-makers to understand and implement policy that prioritises Te Mana o te Wai
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