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Nitrogen can help plants grow, but too much pollutes our rivers, lakes and groundwater. These resources can improve your understanding of how nitrogen flows through our environment, the drivers for regulation, and help you reduce nitrate leaching.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 104 results

Method for measuring denitrification in groundwater

Groundwater contains dissolved nitrogen gas (from both the air and denitrification), and dissolved argon and neon gases (which come only from the air). By extracting…
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The denitrification process

Denitrification is a natural process that reduces the amount of nitrate entering rivers and other freshwater bodies. In some groundwater systems, microorganisms turn nitrate into…
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Denitrification completeness is related to oxygen

Groundwater denitrification varied across the sites studied by the Benign Denitrification in Groundwaters project. The main end product of groundwater denitrification (nitrogen gas or nitrous…
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Journal Article

Implications of water quality policy on land use: A case study of the approach in NZ

Achieving good water quality through output controls is difficult. The New Zealand Government recently proposed enforceable bottom lines to protect ecosystem health of 1 mg…
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Journal Article

Contrasting subsurface denitrification characteristics under temperate pasture lands and its implications for nutrient management in agricultural catchments

Subsurface denitrification plays a key role in the reduction or ‘attenuation’ of nitrate contamination of groundwater and surface waters. We investigated subsurface denitrification characteristics at…
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Interactive Tool

Map of Total Nitrogen Excess and Reduction Potential

An interactive map shows the total nitrogen (TN) in excess of current national rules and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce TN losses from…
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Quantifying Excess Nitrogen Loads in Fresh Water

At least 43% of New Zealand’s agricultural land (31% of New Zealand’s total land area) is in catchments that are under pressure (‘pressure’ meaning the…
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Journal Article

Quantifying contaminant losses to water from pastoral land uses in NZ II: The effects of some farm mitigation actions over the past two decades

In New Zealand the primary sector together with central and local government agencies have been promoting measures to mitigate the adverse effect of farming practices…
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Journal Article

Quantifying contaminant losses to water from pastoral land uses in NZ III: What could be achieved by 2035?

To meet the water quality outcomes sought by catchment communities and regulators, the losses of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sediment from dairy and sheep/beef…
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Journal Article

Quantifying contaminant losses to water from pastoral landuses in New Zealand II. The effects of some farm mitigation actions over the past two decades

In New Zealand the primary sector together with central and local government agencies have been promoting measures to mitigate the adverse effect of farming practices…
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Journal Article

Land use and water quality (Editorial)

The issue of land use and land-use intensity has long been linked to water quality globally. Changing land use in New Zealand, especially in pastoral…
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Journal Article

Quantifying contaminant losses to water from pastoral land uses in NZ I: Development of a spatial framework for assessing losses at a farm scale

Assessing the effectiveness of mitigation measures for reducing contaminant losses to water from pastoral farming systems is a challenging task. Two important factors that contribute…
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