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Land-Use Change

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Land use in Aotearoa will change as new opportunities and challenges emerge under a changing climate. Water quality expectations will also drive change in some catchments, where investing in mitigations could be less pragmatic than some change in land use.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 69 results
Technical Report

Farm Soil Health: assessment across a forestry to pasture chronosequence

Ngai Tahu farming have the goal to maintain the life sustaining capacity of soils during the change from forestry (P. radiata) to pasture agriculture. Sites…
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A spatial analysis framework to assess responses of agricultural landscapes to climates and soils at regional scale

This chapter describes the structure, datasets and processing methods of a new spatial analysis framework to assess the response of agricultural landscapes to climates and…
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Climate Change Impacts on Land Use Suitability – webinar

This webinar discusses the potential impacts of climate change on pastoral, arable and horticultural farm systems, and appropriate adaptation measures. Anne-Gaelle is leading the Climate…
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Journal Article

The Land Resource Circle: Supporting land-use decision making with an ecosystem-service-based framework of soil functions

Land information has in the past focused on the key land and soil properties that physically or chemically support or limit the use of land.…
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Journal Article

Incorporating Māori values into land management decision tools

Environmental sustainability and the long-term wellbeing of Māori (the indigenous people of New Zealand) are interdependent and degradation of landscapes risks the progressive degradation of…
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Technical Report

Interoperable Modelling – spatial economic optimisation

In this report we describe the application of the spatial modelling and optimisation framework LUMASS as a spatial optimisation tool in the Interoperable Modelling Project.…
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Assessing the Effectiveness of On-Farm Mitigation Actions

This research summary describes how effective on-farm mitigations have been so far, by comparing losses of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sediment in 1995 and…
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Journal Article

Implications of water quality policy on land use: A case study of the approach in NZ

Achieving good water quality through output controls is difficult. The New Zealand Government recently proposed enforceable bottom lines to protect ecosystem health of 1 mg…
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Interactive Tool

Map of Total Nitrogen Excess and Reduction Potential

An interactive map shows the total nitrogen (TN) in excess of current national rules and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce TN losses from…
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More diverse, resilient, healthy landscapes by 2030 – webinar

Farmers, growers and all those who care for our land want to help build a resilient, healthy and thriving agri-food and fibre system. The role…
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What the data tells us about our water

By bringing together multiple data sources, we can now see which catchments are under the most pressure, and whether applying all known and emerging on-farm…
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Connecting communities for effective farm plans – webinar

Land use intensification and the degradation of water quality was enabled by a system that considered all farms separately, despite their cumulative effects on water…
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