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Land-Use Change

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Land use in Aotearoa will change as new opportunities and challenges emerge under a changing climate. Water quality expectations will also drive change in some catchments, where investing in mitigations could be less pragmatic than some change in land use.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 93 results

Land Use Options in Waimakariri

The Whitiwhiti Ora: Land Use Opportunities case study in Waimakariri brought farmers and researchers together to co-design an approach to assessing diverse opportunities when considering…
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Interactive Tool

Our Environment: Crop Suitability

Our Environment is a web-based tool that makes environmental information available to users. It has a simplified GIS interface to allow users to spatially explore…
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Future scenarios for arable agriculture – model

This model allows the exploration of scenarios related to the profitability, resilience, and sustainability of arable agriculture in New Zealand over the next 5–30 years.…
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Journal Article

Agrivoltaics: Integrating Solar Energy Generation with Livestock Farming in the Canterbury Region of Aotearoa New Zealand (pre-print)

Agrivoltaics is the integration of agriculture and solar energy production and seeks to find synergies between the two to create a complementary system. With increased…
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Agrivoltaics opportunities in Aotearoa New Zealand

This video for rural landowners in New Zealand, particularly those on sheep and beef farmland, is to help raise awareness of the possibility of agrivoltaics…
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Journal Article

Workforce Implications of Large-scale Land-use Change in Aotearoa New Zealand

Many stakeholders across the research sector, central and local government, and iwi Māori believe that diversifying land uses can help to achieve environmental and economic goals…
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Protein Future Scenarios

Protein Future Scenarios

Future scenarios for land use in Aotearoa New Zealand
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Crop Disease Under Climate Change

Crop Disease Under Climate Change

Horticultural disease risk in a changing climate
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Mosaics Vs Monoculture

Mosaic vs Monoculture Landscapes

Testing the land-use ‘mosaic’ hypothesis
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