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Paul Sutherland

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Integrated Impact Assessment Framework

The purpose of this integrated impact assessment (IIA) framework is to allow exploration of scenarios where land use is changing for a specified region of New Zealand. The framework shows the impact of land use changes on economic, social, cultural and environmental indicators.

There are three ways for specifying scenarios, a form for applying region-specific data, and two dashboards providing overviews and detail signalling likely impacts.

The framework has been developed for two case study regions, the Ashburton district and Mosgiel. The land uses and indicators in the framework were chosen by stakeholders. The particular issues examined to aid the development of the framework were the impact of land use changes associated with nitrate leaching and peri-urban development.

Please refer to the guide to operating the framework.

This framework tool is a Microsoft Excel file (within a .zip file for download) and uses macros to provide functionality

6781 KB | File

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