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Land-Use Change

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Land use in Aotearoa will change as new opportunities and challenges emerge under a changing climate. Water quality expectations will also drive change in some catchments, where investing in mitigations could be less pragmatic than some change in land use.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results

Futureproofing Māori Land Trusts (video series)

Succession planning is challenging for many farms, but multi-enerational dynamics, geographically dispersed whanau, and complex governance structures add extra challenges for Māori 
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Technical Report

Enhancing mauri of land and water through land-use change

Located in the Waikato, Lake Waikare is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most polluted lakes. The Nikau Farm is a Maaori-owned farm at the southern…
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Technical Report

Te Rito Hāpori: Integrating Medicinal Cannabis Outdoor Cropping Within Established Farming Operations in Southland

As an emerging option for farmers, commercial outdoor growing of medicinal cannabis remains a relatively new and somewhat untested endeavour, particularly in the Otago-Southland region.…
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Pā to Plate Grower’s Guide

This beautifully illustrated booklet provides a brief grower’s guide from pā to plate. Beginning as a research project in 2016, Pā to Plate has evolved…
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Peri-urban landscapes: Rethinking the land around cities for housing + food production

Slides from a webinar describing research on rethinking the land around cities for housing and food production.
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Technical Report

Economic impacts of mitigation options to reduce suspended sediment loads and improve visual clarity in the Wairoa catchment, Hawke’s Bay

The Wairoa River is significant to the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, and is valued ecologically as well as for recreation…
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Journal Article

Understanding signals influencing on-farm change

We developed a framework to identify external off-farm signals from farmers’ operating environment and internal on-farm signals that provide information about the farming system. We…
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Technical Report

Daffodil production for galanthamine

Galanthamine is a bioactive that has proven effect to reduce the effect of Alzheimer’s. A source of natural galanthamine is from daffodils, but only certain…
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Artificial proteins in Aotearoa New Zealand: Imagining futures for new technologies

The rapid growth of the cultivated meat industry; how cultivated meat protein is made, recent developments in the sector, and the view from Aotearoa New…
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