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Oliver Weber

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Research Paper Summary: Shared Vision for Land Use in Wairau Marlborough

August 2023

This research project aimed to explore the potential for the development of diverse agricultural systems and places to achieve greater social licence among the communities that inhabit them, and address regional social, environmental, and economic challenges.

This was explored through two sets of semi-structured interviews, with local Māori and the wider community. This approach was adopted to create an appropriate space for Māori place-based perspectives to be acknowledged and shared inside a wider community project.

Questions had the following aims:

1) develop an understanding of the community’s vision of land use in the Marlborough region, and

2) identify and understand the partnerships and relationships necessary to develop a pathway to achieving a shared vision for land use in the region.

311 KB | Adobe Acrobat PDF File

Source: Place-based diversification: Pathways to diversified shared landscapes in the Wairau Marlborough region of Aotearoa New Zealand. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-024-02257-w

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