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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Journal Article

Values-led management: the guidance of place-based values in environmental relationships of the past, present, and future.

The prevalence of widespread, human-caused ecological degradation suggests that fundamental change is needed in how societies interact with the environment. In this paper we argue…
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Journal Article

The land use suitability concept: Introduction and an application of the concept to inform sustainable productivity within environmental constraints

This paper addresses an application of the LUS concept: evaluating the suitability of land for sustained productivity subject to environmental constraints, as defined by water…
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Drivers for and Barriers to Land Use Change: Land Use Practice Change and Adoption

NZARES and Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Workshop, August 2018, Wellington
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Applying a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Framework to Facilitate Adoption of Next Generation Land-Use Systems in New Zealand

A land-use assessment framework has been developed by Next Generation Systems research to explore opportunities for adopting more suitable land use and to identify gaps…
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Does using the Integration and Implementation framework lead to more fit for purpose science for environmental policy development? An initial look at a case study in Canterbury, New Zealand.

ICSEES, Cambridge, 2018
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Sink or swim: A radical overhaul to water policy-making approach in NZ: A case study of lake Te Waihora

4th International water resources and wetlands conference, Tulcea, September 2018
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Journal Article

Managing diffuse phosphorus at the source versus at the sink

Judicious phosphorus (P) management is a global grand challenge and critical to achieving water quality objectives while maintaining food production. The management of point sources…
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Journal Article

Variability of Escherichia coli Concentrations in Rivers during Base-Flow Conditions in NZ

We compared the variability of E. coli concentrations in baseflow of 3 different-sized rivers in both summer and winter at the time scales of minutes,…
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Journal Article

Transformation Is ‘Experienced, Not Delivered’: Insights from Grounding the Discourse in Practice to Inform Policy and Theory

Calls for transformation, transformative research, and transformational impact are increasingly heard from governments, industry and universities to set a course towards sustainability. This paper contributes…
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Journal Article

An event-based model of soil erosion and sediment transport at the catchment scale

Soil conservation over large areas is expensive and needs to be targeted to obtain maximum benefit for the least cost. In this paper, an event-based…
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Journal Article

The error in stream sediment phosphorus fractionation and sorption properties effected by drying pretreatments

We found that drying sediment significantly influenced EPC0 and P fractions (especially the NH4Cl-P fraction). Air-drying was particularly error-prone and should be avoided. The use…
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A strategy for optimizing catchment management actions to stressor–response relationships in freshwaters

Defining a receiving environment,-value-contaminant system and determining a specific stressor–response relationship for that system provide valuable decision support strategy to optimize management actions toward a…
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