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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Stay up to date with new evidence and mātauranga Māori from cross-institute, transdisciplinary teams of Aotearoa New Zealand’s best agricultural and environmental scientists, working to future proof farming and improve the vitality of te Taiao.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 309 results
Technical Report

Economic impacts of mitigation options to reduce suspended sediment loads and improve visual clarity in the Wairoa catchment, Hawke’s Bay

The Wairoa River is significant to the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, and is valued ecologically as well as for recreation…
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Journal Article

Understanding signals influencing on-farm change

We developed a framework to identify external off-farm signals from farmers’ operating environment and internal on-farm signals that provide information about the farming system. We…
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Technical Report

Daffodil production for galanthamine

Galanthamine is a bioactive that has proven effect to reduce the effect of Alzheimer’s. A source of natural galanthamine is from daffodils, but only certain…
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Technical Report

Strip-till Fodder Beet to Improve Land and Water Outcomes

Fodder beet is an important crop for wintering in New Zealand farming systems. It keeps well through winter providing a high dry matter feed. However,…
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Journal Article

The Role of Relationships, Respect, and Self-determination in Creating Equitable Research Partnerships: The Case of Revitalise Te Taiao

Forming equitable research partnerships is a well-known challenge, particularly when some partners are indigenous and others have a colonizing heritage of exercising power over others.…
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Journal Article

Integrated impact assessment for land and water management

Impact assessment considers the future consequences of current or proposed actions, but multiple impact assessment types and silos of expertise make integration difficult. When faced…
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Technical Report

Water Quality Monitoring for Management of Diffuse Nitrate Pollution

Aotearoa New Zealand is making significant investment in national policy and standards, regional plan rules and on-farm actions to reduce the impact of intensive land…
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Technical Report

Multilateral Data Sharing: Lessons from a case study with organisations managing beef genetics data

Multilateral data sharing (MLDS) is a long-held goal of many organisations in New Zealand’s food and fibre industries. It is also an efficient way to…
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Technical Report

Legumes for Our Land and Water

Using deferred grazing technology to increase the legume content of hill country pastures. Deferred grazing, which involves grazing exclusion from late spring until after seed-fall…
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