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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Stay up to date with new evidence and mātauranga Māori from cross-institute, transdisciplinary teams of Aotearoa New Zealand’s best agricultural and environmental scientists, working to future proof farming and improve the vitality of te Taiao.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 128 results
Journal Article

Crafting collective management institutions in messy real-world settings: A call for action research

There is considerable interest in collective management as a potential solution to complex environmental problems, but existing research offers little guidance for the messy real-world…
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Journal Article

Beyond Sustainable Intensification: Transitioning primary sectors through reconfiguring land-use

Internationally there is a desire to transition farming systems towards more sustainable production in response to global and local social and environmental challenges. This transition…
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Journal Article

Whole-Genome Sequencing and Virulome Analysis of Escherichia coli Isolated from New Zealand Environments of Contrasting Observed Land Use

This study takes a systematic sampling approach to assess the public health risk of Escherichia coli recovered from freshwater sites within forest and farmland. The…
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Journal Article

Enabling collaborative practices

What conditions, capabilities and capacities influence the success of collaborative processes? This paper summarises the methodology and findings of research to discover key factors affecting…
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Technical Report

The Our Phosphorus Future Report

Unsustainable phosphorus use is at the heart of many societal challenges. Unsustainable phosphorus use affects food and water security, freshwater biodiversity and human health. Increasing…
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Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change

This model (Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change) was developed to guide partnerships between tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti. The model was developed to guide the…
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Murray Hemi describes Te Tiriti model, Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change

This short interview with Murray Hemi is to support understanding and use of the Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change model. This model was developed to…
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A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science partnerships with Kaitiaki for Research Involving Taonga

This guide is to help scientists and researchers ensure they are informed and understand the complexities of the Wai 262 claim. This resource can help…
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Journal Article

A Proposed New Approach to Identify Limiting Factors in Assessing Land Suitability for Sustainable Land Management

Making optimal use of scarce resources in developing countries is a major challenge for sustainable crop production. Characterization of factors limiting crop production is an…
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History and impacts of Wai 262 – webinar

We all need to understand the origins, history and impacts of the Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal claim on individuals and whanau, so that we can…
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Journal Article

Sediment and water-column phosphorus chemistry in streams at baseflow across varying catchment geologies

Streams can attenuate inputs of phosphorus (P) and therefore dampen the likelihood of ecosystem eutrophication. This P attenuation derives from many processes and remains poorly…
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Journal Article

Minimizing phosphorus leaching from a sandy clay loam caused by phosphorus fertilizers

At moderate to high fertilization rates, sandy-textured soils can leach much phosphorus (P) threatening surface water quality. High rates are used to compensate for P…
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