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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Showing 1 - 12 of 128 results

Growing Kai Under Increasing Dry: Adapting to Increasing Drought

Advice to central and regional government, industry bodies, and the research, science and innovation community on what is needed to better support primary sector adaptation…
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Regenerative Agriculture: Measuring What Works, Where It Matters

The 5th webinar in a series of 5 about regenerative agriculture in New Zealand, held on 23 November 2021. Speakers: Mike Taitoko (Toha Foundry), Dr…
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A Source-to-sink Contaminant Risk Framework To Support Water Quality Policy Across Scales

In the wrong place, or at excessive concentrations, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment become contaminants. Along with pathogens, they require reduction to improve water…
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Journal Article

Meteorological drought in Northland, NZ: A regional and local analysis using copulas

Meteorological drought is a significant and recurring hazard in Northland, where eight droughts have been recorded since 1900. An analysis characterised by severity, duration, and…
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Journal Article

Balancing the Push and Pull factors of Land-Use Change: A New Zealand Case-Study

New Zealand is increasingly facing environmental and social challenges associated with its current land-use choices. There is therefore a drive to find ways to continue…
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Journal Article

Nitrogen fertilization effects on soil phosphorus dynamics under a grass-pasture system

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are critical to pasture productivity; however, limited information is available on how the single and combined additions of N and…
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Technical Report

Challenges and Opportunities for New Zealand Agriculture under Climate Change (2022 update)

Future climate is likely to have a major impact on the primary sector, and has the potential to drive major shifts in land use as…
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Journal Article

Reflecting on the journey of environmental farm planning in NZ

Environmental farm planning in New Zealand dates to the 1950s when soil conversation plans were first undertaken. Since then the extent and complexity of whole…
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Journal Article

Soil nitrogen treatment alters microbiome networks across farm niches

A farm is a collection of interlinked ecological habitats split by locations, including above-ground, below-ground, and animal-associated niches each harbouring unique microbiomes. We examined agricultural…
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Towards implementation of robust monitoring technologies alongside freshwater improvement policy in NZ

International studies point out that some freshwater policy objectives are not achieved. This study describes that this is in part caused by shortcomings that include:…
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The potential for phosphorus loss to groundwater from soils irrigated with dairy factory wastewater

Soils irrigated with phosphorus (P)-rich wastewater can increase the risk of P losses from land to water. We investigated if wastewater-irrigated soils can leach P…
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Journal Article

Supporting the design of useful and relevant holistic frameworks for land use opportunity assessment for indigenous people

Choices about how to use land are critical to efforts to manage water quality in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Māori and non-Māori communities need decision-making frameworks that…
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