Resources for

Primary Industry Bodies

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People in primary sector support bodies provide important direction to land managers, helping ensure that practices evolve in response to new evidence. These resources can help you develop best practices and guidance for farm management, based on impartial and robust evidence.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 297 results

Consumer Focus // The Value Compass

The price final consumers are willing to pay drives all value in the value chain. Hence, a value chain needs to understand how different groups…
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Incentives // The Value Chain Compass

As the name suggests, a value chain involves a series of linkages between the producers at one end of the chain and the final consumers…
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Chain Leadership // The Value Chain Compass

A key responsibility of governance is chain leadership. Typically, one of the partners in the value chain acts as chain champion. The chain champion has…
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Scale // The Value Chain Compass

In the research programme’s case studies of emerging value chains, scale was one of the key decisions that had to be made by the chain…
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Product Quality // The Value Chain Compass

Consumers pay a premium for a product only if they value it as a quality product. Quality begins with characteristics such as appearance, taste and…
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Risk // The Value Chain Compass

All commercial enterprise involves a degree of risk. In the food and fibre sector, there are specific challenges related to the chain’s continuity of supply.…
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Value Co-Creation // The Value Chain Compass

A feature of food and fibre value chains is that creation of value for consumers requires collaboration among the partners of the chain. There is…
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Information // The Value Chain Compass

A global value chain from New Zealand producers to overseas consumers can be lengthy, involving several links in the chain and diverse cultures. This means…
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Journal Article

A survey comparing regeneratively and conventionally managed pastures and farm management policies

A pasture and farm management survey was conducted on thirteen geographically paired regenerative and conventional beef and sheep farms in the upper North Island to…
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Journal Article

Agronomic performance of summer forage crops on a Waikato dry-stock farm

Forage crops options are required by dry-stock farmers to fill summer feed gaps. This trial compared a brassica monoculture with simple and hyper-diverse mixtures containing…
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Journal Article

Assessing soil health following conversion from forestry to pasture in Canterbury

Soil health was assessed across land conversions from forestry (Pinus radiata) to irrigated dairy pasture. Samples were collected and indicators of soil fertility, organic matter,…
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