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People who work in government ministries and agencies can implement policies that support farmers and growers to restore soil, waterways and wildlife, while they grow great food. These resources can help guide a transition to mosaics of land use that are healthy, prosperous and resilient.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 253 results
Interactive Tool

Data Supermarket

The Data Supermarket is a repository of data about the ingredients, food and fibre we can grow in New Zealand, now and in the future.…
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Technical Report

EU Green Deal: Impact on New Zealand’s Land-based Primary Producers

Several areas of focus for the EU Green Deal are likely to pose significant challenges for New Zealand’s export sectors, not only directly in the…
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Digital Toolshed: Data Supermarket webinar

This webinar was held at 12:30pm on 31 May 2023. It explains how to use the Data Supermarket platform, which is accessible at The…
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Technical Report

A pathway to Multilateral Data Sharing: Understanding and overcoming barriers to MLDS in New Zealand’s primary industries

Drawing from lessons of past attempts at data sharing, international experiences, multilateral trade agreements, game theory, and considerations of Te Mana Raraunga Principles of Māori…
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Journal Article

Further concepts and approaches for enhancing food system resilience

The cornerstones to enhance food system resilience can be considered as three fundamental concepts, the ‘3Rs’: robustness, based on the capacity of the food system…
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Journal Article

Viewpoint: Act local, effect global: Integrating farm plans to solve water quality and climate change problems

Local farm plans can be used to minimise the effect of food production on water quality and greenhouse gas emissions but must be integrated with…
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Monitoring to detect changes in river water quality across New Zealand

Presentation at Freshwater Sciences 2023, the joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science and the Australian and New Zealand Freshwater Science societies.
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Journal Article

Reference conditions and threshold values for nitrate-nitrogen in New Zealand groundwaters

Management of groundwater quality is assisted by an understanding of reference conditions, which describe the concentration ranges expected for key substances in the absence of…
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Technical Report

Novel financing solutions for land use change

New financing options may help support land-use and land management changes. Environmentally beneficial changes that are also financially beneficial will likely secure funding through traditional…
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Understanding signals

More than ever farmers and their stakeholders want to drive change on-farm to achieve social, environmental, and business outcomes. As such, many people and organisations…
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Technical Report

Signals for Land Stewards: Final Report

Signals are information from the environment that either enable or prevent a farmer from moving along a constructive change process, whether they are at the…
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Feeding Aotearoa

There’s arguably little else more important than ensuring an adequate and healthy food supply for our people, and in our changing world, food systems will need to adapt. This…
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