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Interactive Tool

Map of Total Sediment Yield and Reduction Potential

An interactive map shows the total sediment yield and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce sediment losses from land to water by 2035. The…
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Interactive Tool

Map of Total Phosphorus Excess and Reduction Potential

An interactive map shows the total phosphorus (TP) yield and the potential for mitigation strategies to reduce TP losses from land to water by 2035.…
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Interactive Tool

Our Environment: Crop Suitability

Our Environment is a web-based tool that makes environmental information available to users. It has a simplified GIS interface to allow users to spatially explore…
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Interactive Tool

Worker Requirements by Land Use

This dashboard estimates the number of full-time equivalent staff needed seasonally for different land-use scenarios. It can suggest complementary land uses to smooth out seasonal…
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Interactive Tool

Labour and Land-use Regional Model for Aotearoa

The Labour and Land-use Regional Model for Aotearoa helps track labour availability and costs. Being aware of regional workforce capacity will contribute to understanding the suitability…
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Interactive Tool

Groundwater Detection Power Calculator

This GitHub package is designed to calculate the statistical power of detecting a change in groundwater/surface concentration depending on sampling duration, sampling frequency, ‘true’ receptor…
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Interactive Tool

Taking a look at the big picture

What are the relationships between soil quality and land value, land pressure on catchments, and water quality? Typically, soil quality monitoring has been used to…
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Interactive Tool

Changing Climate: Disease Risk & Costs

This free interactive tool provides apple and grape growers and prospective investors with a glimpse into how climate change may affect the risk and costs…
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Interactive Tool

SWIFT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Impact and Feasibility Tool

SWIFT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Impact and Feasibility Tool) is designed to support discussions that enable collective action groups (CAGs) to tackle complex environmental challenges. SWIFT can…
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