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Sector Transformation

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Our Land and Water has a transformational mission to reconfigure the agrifood and fibre system in Aotearoa to enable resilient, healthy and prosperous land uses that improve the vitality of te Taiao. We also work to transform the science system itself.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results
Technical Report

Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa NZ: project overview and statement of purpose

Traditional agricultural science can often take a linear approach: knowledge is shared from scientists to farmers, who might then adopt one change and observe the…
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Technical Report

Perspectives on ‘regenerative outcomes’ and associated research needs: insights from consultation with participants in four sectors – arable, dairy, sheep & beef, and viticulture

This reports outlines the outcomes and research needed by representatives of four key New Zealand agricultural sectors (dairy, sheep and beef, arable, and viticulture). The…
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Technical Report

Determining the economic and market potential of regenerative agriculture

The usual ways to measure the economics of farming need to be expanded to fully understand the costs and benefits of regenerative agriculture practices in…
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Journal Article

Balancing the Push and Pull factors of Land-Use Change: A New Zealand Case-Study

New Zealand is increasingly facing environmental and social challenges associated with its current land-use choices. There is therefore a drive to find ways to continue…
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Supporting complex decisions on land-use change

A framework to support making major decisions about on-farm change is described in a short Research Findings Brief, for farmers, growers, farm consultants, rural professionals…
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Technical Report

Challenges and Opportunities for New Zealand Agriculture under Climate Change (2022 update)

Future climate is likely to have a major impact on the primary sector, and has the potential to drive major shifts in land use as…
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Journal Article

Soil nitrogen treatment alters microbiome networks across farm niches

A farm is a collection of interlinked ecological habitats split by locations, including above-ground, below-ground, and animal-associated niches each harbouring unique microbiomes. We examined agricultural…
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Journal Article

Beyond Sustainable Intensification: Transitioning primary sectors through reconfiguring land-use

Internationally there is a desire to transition farming systems towards more sustainable production in response to global and local social and environmental challenges. This transition…
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A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science partnerships with Kaitiaki for Research Involving Taonga

This guide is to help scientists and researchers ensure they are informed and understand the complexities of the Wai 262 claim. This resource can help…
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History and impacts of Wai 262 – webinar

We all need to understand the origins, history and impacts of the Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal claim on individuals and whanau, so that we can…
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