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The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management came into effect in 2020. Some of the resources below contributed to policy development, and others can be used to support implementation of the new regulations.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 100 results
Technical Report

Science for Policy: The role of science in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management

This report takes a rare ‘behind the scenes’ look at how environmental policy is developed in Aotearoa New Zealand. The report includes comments from confidential…
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Science for Policy – System Supports

This webinar describes the results of an in-depth study into the role that science played in the development of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater…
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Science for Policy – The Regulatory Process

This webinar describes the results of an in-depth study into the role that science played in the development of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater…
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Interactive Tool


The LandscapeDNA information hub gives you access to the Physiographic Environment Classification developed with funding from Our Land and Water. Interactive maps allow you to…
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Interactive Tool

Actions to Include in a Farm Environment Plan

This interactive infographic is a compilation of actions to decrease the loss of contaminants from agricultural land. Mitigation actions can be filtered by any of…
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Journal Article

Drone Use in On-Farm Environmental Compliance: An Investigation of Regulators’ Perspectives

Freshwater resources around the world are under increasing pressure from agricultural activities. As a result, regulatory frameworks around on-farm environmental compliance have become more complex.…
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Monitoring to detect changes in river water quality across New Zealand

Presentation at Freshwater Sciences 2023, the joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science and the Australian and New Zealand Freshwater Science societies.
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Journal Article

Reference conditions and threshold values for nitrate-nitrogen in New Zealand groundwaters

Management of groundwater quality is assisted by an understanding of reference conditions, which describe the concentration ranges expected for key substances in the absence of…
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Technical Report

Using Drone Technology for Environmental Compliance

This article looks at the views of farmers, rural professionals and regulators on drone use for environmental compliance purposes. It also discusses the benefits they…
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Excluding stock from smaller streams

This factsheet is for farmers, industry bodies and regional authorities developing regional freshwater policy. Most of the contaminant load in waterways across New Zealand originates…
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