Resources for

Regional Authorities

Paul Sutherland

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People in local government can help farms operate in ways that ensure the health of our land and water. Our resources can help you increase your local community’s understanding of the drivers for regulation, undertake effective collaboration, and improve decision-making in catchments.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 295 results
Journal Article

Collaborative Planning in Response to Policy Failure: The Case of Freshwater Management in Canterbury

This article identifies the factors behind a shift to collaborative planning in regional freshwater management. The case study explores the Canterbury Regional Council’s failure to…
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Technical Report

Evaluation of geospatial datasets and recognition of landscape gradients specific to water quality

This study evaluates the landscape relationships and suitability of existing geospatial datasets for the purposes of mapping physiographic water quality units for the Northland region.…
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Examining co-production and the role of brokers within NZ’s ‘science advisory ecosystem’

A crisis in expertise: Legitimacy and the challenge of policymaking conference, Melbourne. February 2018 | Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), September 2018
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Technical Report

Integrated landscape mapping of water quality controls for farm planning – applying a physiographic approach to the Waituna Catchment, Southland

Living Water (a Fonterra and Department of Conservation partnership) commissioned a high-resolution physiographic assessment of the Waituna Catchment, Southland, to support water quality and biodiversity…
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Technical Report

Evaluation of the physiographic method for the Tasman Region

The work undertaken in this project provides Tasman District Council with a foundation for which the physiographic approach can be applied within the region. The…
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Technical Report

Advice for application of the physiographic method to the West Coast Region

Land and Water Science Ltd. was contracted to provide services to West Coast Regional Council through an Envirolink Small Advice Grant. The aim of the…
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Technical Report

SedNetNZ, SLUI and contaminant generation. Part 1: Sediment and water clarity

Horizons Regional Council asked Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research to document the use of SedNetNZ in the Horizons region; update the assessment of the impact…
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Towards a Physiographic Map: Information for Regional Councils

Physiographic Environments of New Zealand research is developing a cost-effective technique to measure and map (as an integrated physiographic layer) how features of the natural…
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Technical Report

Application of Physiographic Science to the Northland Region: Preliminary Hydrological and Redox Process-Attribute Layers

Water quality outcomes can vary spatially across the landscape, even when there are similar land use pressures. These differences are often the result of natural…
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Technical Report

SedNetNZ, SLUI and contaminant generation. Part 2: Nitrogen, phosphorus and E. coli

Horizons Regional Council (HRC) requested Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research (MWLR) to update SedNetNZ for the HRC region and use the results to assess the…
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Journal Article

Variability of Escherichia coli Concentrations in Rivers during Base-Flow Conditions in NZ

We compared the variability of E. coli concentrations in baseflow of 3 different-sized rivers in both summer and winter at the time scales of minutes,…
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Sink or swim: A radical overhaul to water policy-making approach in NZ: A case study of lake Te Waihora

4th International water resources and wetlands conference, Tulcea, September 2018
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