Resources for

Regional Authorities

Paul Sutherland

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People in local government can help farms operate in ways that ensure the health of our land and water. Our resources can help you increase your local community’s understanding of the drivers for regulation, undertake effective collaboration, and improve decision-making in catchments.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 253 results

A Foot in the Door to the Alternative Protein Market

Developing a pea and fava bean protein market in New Zealand would have high environmental gains, finds new research – but who pays for the…
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Interactive Tool

Data Supermarket

The Data Supermarket is a repository of data about the ingredients, food and fibre we can grow in New Zealand, now and in the future.…
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Digital Toolshed: Data Supermarket webinar

This webinar was held at 12:30pm on 31 May 2023. It explains how to use the Data Supermarket platform, which is accessible at The…
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Monitoring to detect changes in river water quality across New Zealand

Presentation at Freshwater Sciences 2023, the joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science and the Australian and New Zealand Freshwater Science societies.
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Technical Report

Novel financing solutions for land use change

New financing options may help support land-use and land management changes. Environmentally beneficial changes that are also financially beneficial will likely secure funding through traditional…
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Technical Report

Agrivoltaics: Integrating Solar Energy Generation with Livestock Farming in Canterbury

With increased interest in energy generation of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Aotearoa New Zealand, agrivoltaics provides the opportunity to increase the productivity of…
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Integrating solar electricity generation with livestock farming in Canterbury

Aotearoa New Zealand has committed to actions to mitigate climate change. By 2050 the intention is to be transitioned to a net zero carbon economy.…
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Understanding signals

More than ever farmers and their stakeholders want to drive change on-farm to achieve social, environmental, and business outcomes. As such, many people and organisations…
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Technical Report

Signals for Land Stewards: Final Report

Signals are information from the environment that either enable or prevent a farmer from moving along a constructive change process, whether they are at the…
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Technical Report

Net export of E. coli from the Toenepi wetland cannot be explained by growth of naturalized E. coli in the water column

Runoff from agricultural land is recognized as an important source of contaminants—nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and Escherichia coli—that impact water quality. Constructed wetlands have been promoted…
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Technical Report

eDNA as a holistic measure of pastoral landscape effects on taonga species

Freshwater quality is measured with key indicators such as faecal indicator bacteria (E. coli), nitrates and phosphates. For communities, such indicators are vague and somewhat…
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