Resources for

Hapū and Iwi

Laura Bolt, Truestock

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Our research is developed by and with Māori communities, for real relevance to your land. Hapū, iwi and whānau can use these resources to support decisions that improve the vitality of te Taiao – for all the generations to come

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Showing 1 - 12 of 297 results

Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change

This model (Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change) was developed to guide partnerships between tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti. The model was developed to guide the…
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Murray Hemi describes Te Tiriti model, Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change

This short interview with Murray Hemi is to support understanding and use of the Taiao Manawa Ora: Purpose-led Change model. This model was developed to…
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A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science partnerships with Kaitiaki for Research Involving Taonga

This guide is to help scientists and researchers ensure they are informed and understand the complexities of the Wai 262 claim. This resource can help…
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History and impacts of Wai 262 – webinar

We all need to understand the origins, history and impacts of the Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal claim on individuals and whanau, so that we can…
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Technical Report

National contaminant mapping of soil losses from surficial erosion: an analysis of livestock grazing pressures on soil losses across NZ

For the first time, a national-scale soil loss model of New Zealand has captured both inherent landuse properties, alongside high-resolution calculations of livestock grazing densities…
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Wai 262 opportunities for National Science Challenges – webinar

Te Pae Kahurangi, the government’s 2020 CRI review, has signalled changes ahead. While the future of National Science Challenges is unclear, there is still much…
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Wai 262 Best Practice Guide launch – webinar

During Puanga/Matariki 2022, a year on from the Wai 262 webinar series hosted by the Rauika Māngai, we came together again to launch the report,…
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Technical Report

Pā to Plate: Indicators of Success

Pā to Plate (P2P) is an aspirational Māori socio-economic enterprise pilot that was established in 2016 in Tai Tokerau (Northland). Over the past five to…
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The impact of composting shelters on New Zealand dairy farms

Composting shelters are attracting growing interest from dairy farmers looking to operate more efficient, resilient and profitable businesses. This video (te reo Māori subtitles) presents…
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