Resources for

Hapū and Iwi

Laura Bolt, Truestock

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Our research is developed by and with Māori communities, for real relevance to your land. Hapū, iwi and whānau can use these resources to support decisions that improve the vitality of te Taiao – for all the generations to come

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Showing 1 - 12 of 253 results

Implementing Te Mana o Te Wai

Supporting iwi, hapū, water users, and decision-makers to understand and implement policy that prioritises Te Mana o te Wai
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Rural Professional Fund 2021 22

Rural Professionals Fund 2021–22

There were 12 successful projects in the second funding round for the Our Land and Water Rural Professionals Fund.
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Next Generation Systems Illo

Next Generation Systems

Identifying next generation primary production systems and opportunities to change the face of farming
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Kids & Co Photos / Laura Bolt / TrueStock

Matarau: Empowering Māori Landowners in Land Use Decisions

Providing accessible and useful data to support Māori landowners to prioritise land-use options
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Dsc9947 Enhanced Nr 1200px Credit Richie Toa Mills

Ngā Tai-o-Rongo

Revitalising ancestral knowledge systems to provide a pathway for Māori landowners to work with the environment, rather than on the environment.
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Tauutuutu Diagram For Website

Kaitiaki Intelligence Platforms

Positioning Māori as first movers in next-generation environmental intelligence
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