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People who work in government ministries and agencies can implement policies that support farmers and growers to restore soil, waterways and wildlife, while they grow great food. These resources can help guide a transition to mosaics of land use that are healthy, prosperous and resilient.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 297 results

Ki uta ki tai: Managing catchments for Healthy Estuaries

This research provided a new, national overview of the current state of the estuaries. About 60% of NZ estuary catchments do not meet the NPS-FM…
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Land Use Options in Waimakariri

The Whitiwhiti Ora: Land Use Opportunities case study in Waimakariri brought farmers and researchers together to co-design an approach to assessing diverse opportunities when considering…
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Technical Report

Te Tiriti-led and mission-oriented: Assessing Phase 2 of Our Land and Water Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai

We provide evidence to support that deliberately embedding the Te Taiao model helped those involved in OLW, researchers and non-researchers, Māori and non-Māori, conceptualise, legitimise…
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A method to derive nitrogen transport factors for New Zealand’s agricultural lands

Risk index tools have the potential to assist farmers in making strategic decisions regarding their farm design to manage losses of nutrients. Such tools require…
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Journal Article

Workforce Implications of Large-scale Land-use Change in Aotearoa New Zealand

Many stakeholders across the research sector, central and local government, and iwi Māori believe that diversifying land uses can help to achieve environmental and economic goals…
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Journal Article

Agrivoltaics: Integrating Solar Energy Generation with Livestock Farming in the Canterbury Region of Aotearoa New Zealand (pre-print)

Agrivoltaics is the integration of agriculture and solar energy production and seeks to find synergies between the two to create a complementary system. With increased…
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Interactive Tool

Indicators of Rural Resilience

The Indicators Working Group produced this proof-of-concept dataset for 4 rural towns in New Zealand, demonstrating the possibility of hosting research data for general access…
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Future scenarios for arable agriculture – model

This model allows the exploration of scenarios related to the profitability, resilience, and sustainability of arable agriculture in New Zealand over the next 5–30 years.…
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Mana-Centred Local Food System Model

Local food systems need to include more than fruit and vegetable producers. There are different categories of food based on processing and regulations. Our wild…
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