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A Foot in the Door to the Alternative Protein Market

Developing a pea and fava bean protein market in New Zealand would have high environmental gains, finds new research – but who pays for the…
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Journal Article

Difficulties in using land use pressure and soil quality indicators to predict water quality

Land pressures and soil quality can influence local water quality. Land use, catchment and climatic factors were strong predictors of 15 years of water quality. A snapshot…
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Journal Article

Workforce Implications of Large-scale Land-use Change in Aotearoa New Zealand

Many stakeholders across the research sector, central and local government, and iwi Māori believe that diversifying land uses can help to achieve environmental and economic goals…
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Journal Article

Predicting impacts of agricultural land use on stream and river biota: method review, evaluation and guidance

Predicting land use and land management effects on stream and river biota is an important aspect of land-water management, yet there are no collations of…
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Interactive Tool

Our Environment: Crop Suitability

Our Environment is a web-based tool that makes environmental information available to users. It has a simplified GIS interface to allow users to spatially explore…
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A method to derive nitrogen transport factors for New Zealand's agricultural lands

Risk index tools have the potential to assist farmers in making strategic decisions regarding their farm design to manage losses of nutrients. Such tools require…
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