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Guidelines for the use of Pohewa Pae Tawhiti to support decisions around changes in land use

Pohewa Pae Tawhiti (PPT) (Visualising Horizons) combines whakaarotau and pohewa (priorities and visions) with biophysical data (current and modelled future) to enable potential options for…
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Technical Report

Te Tiriti-led and mission-oriented: Assessing Phase 2 of Our Land and Water Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai

We provide evidence to support that deliberately embedding the Te Taiao model helped those involved in OLW, researchers and non-researchers, Māori and non-Māori, conceptualise, legitimise…
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Agrivoltaics and Te Ao Māori

Mavis Mullins (Rangitāne, Atihaunua a Pāpārangi), chair of Nga Whenua Rahui, discussons how lessons from the past can inform decisions about the use of agrivoltaics…
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Journal Article

The Role of Relationships, Respect, and Self-determination in Creating Equitable Research Partnerships: The Case of Revitalise Te Taiao

Forming equitable research partnerships is a well-known challenge, particularly when some partners are indigenous and others have a colonizing heritage of exercising power over others.…
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Dsc9947 Enhanced Nr 1200px Credit Richie Toa Mills

Ngā Tai-o-Rongo

Revitalising ancestral knowledge systems to provide a pathway for Māori landowners to work with the environment, rather than on the environment.
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Safeguarding Indigenous biocultural resources in a global context: a case study of taramea

Indigenous people are considering how to safeguard their natural resources, culture and knowledge against illegal, inappropriate or unauthorised use. Such protection is needed to maintain…
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Technical Report

Tauututu: White Paper

This white paper explores the principle and practice of Tauutuutu. Tauutuutu is an indigenous concept that places an ethical obligation on communities and enterprises to…
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Pā to Plate Grower's Guide

This beautifully illustrated booklet provides a brief grower's guide from pā to plate. Beginning as a research project in 2016, Pā to Plate has evolved…
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Rere ki Uta, Rere ki Tai: Research Insights

Respect for oneone (soil) as a basis of learning about land management effects on te taiao including people, air, water, and relationships with the natural…
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