Resources related to

Te Ao Māori

Anna Menedez, Truestock

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These resources describe how Māori ethics and values can drive entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability in primary production. Tangata Tiriti can explore this topic to deepen their understanding of te ao Māori (the Māori world view).

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results

Agrivoltaics and Te Ao Māori

Mavis Mullins (Rangitāne, Atihaunua a Pāpārangi), chair of Nga Whenua Rahui, discussons how lessons from the past can inform decisions about the use of agrivoltaics…
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Technical Report

Te Tiriti-led and mission-oriented: Assessing Phase 2 of Our Land and Water Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai

We provide evidence to support that deliberately embedding the Te Taiao model helped those involved in OLW, researchers and non-researchers, Māori and non-Māori, conceptualise, legitimise…
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Interactive Tool

Kaupapa Māori Land and Water Food Stories

The website for the Storying Kaitiakitanga project includes insights from ten thriving Māori agrifood producers have been summarised as seperate short, highly readable stories. These…
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From Value-Added to Values-Added: Storying Kaupapa Māori Land & Water Food Relations

This presentation gives an overview of the Storying Kaitiaktanga project and presents preliminary findings and quotes from participants.  
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Journal Article

Safeguarding Indigenous biocultural resources in a global context: a case study of taramea

Indigenous people are considering how to safeguard their natural resources, culture and knowledge against illegal, inappropriate or unauthorised use. Such protection is needed to maintain…
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Mosaics Vs Monoculture

Mosaic vs Monoculture Landscapes

Testing the land-use ‘mosaic’ hypothesis
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Next Generation Systems Illo

Next Generation Systems

Identifying next generation primary production systems and opportunities to change the face of farming
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Peri Urban Potential

Peri-Urban Potential

How can landscapes for both people and production prosper within peri-urban Aotearoa through innovative spatial design, reconnecting New Zealanders with whenua and food?
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Early Maori Agriculture

Early Māori Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Culturally responsive reimagining of primary production based on traditional models of the past
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Appropriate Use Of Taonga Species

Appropriate Use of Taonga Species

Exploring cultural licence to use indigenous organisms in high-value product development, to support emerging land-use opportunities for collectively owned Māori land
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Rural Professional Fund 2022 23

Rural Professionals Fund 2022–23

There were 12 successful projects in the third funding round for the Our Land and Water Rural Professionals Fund.
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