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The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management came into effect in 2020. Some of the resources below contributed to policy development, and others can be used to support implementation of the new regulations.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 69 results
Technical Report

Measuring the benefits of management actions: Mitigation effectiveness monitoring design (proof of concept phase)

A five-step process was developed to answer the key question asked of Working Group 1:’Have the mitigation actions resulted in improved freshwater outcomes?’. To assist…
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Refinement of the Framework for Assessment of Recreational Water Quality

Regional and city council staff now have a documented process to follow when faecal contamination is identified in freshwater, created by ESR researchers involved in…
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Technical Report

A risk assessment approach for prioritising actions in farm environment plans with mahinga kai values

The project co-developed and produced a geospatial tool that is available through a webpage. The beta tool allows users (initially dairy farmers) to identify and…
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Technical Report

Case Study: Nga Iwi o te Tauihu

This is one of four mana whenua case studies that provide insights about addressing barriers and challenges they have experienced in freshwater management that could…
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Technical Report

Case Study: Ngāti Rangiwewehi

This is one of four mana whenua case studies that provide insights about addressing barriers and challenges they have experienced in freshwater management that could…
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Technical Report

Case Study: Ngāti Raukawa

This is one of four mana whenua case studies that provide insights about addressing barriers and challenges they have experienced in freshwater management that could…
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Technical Report

Case Study: Waiapu Kokahuhua

This is one of four mana whenua case studies that provide insights about addressing barriers and challenges they have experienced in freshwater management that could…
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Journal Article

The implications of lag times between nitrate leaching losses and riverine loads for water quality policy

Understanding the lag time between land management and impacts on riverine nitrate–nitrogen (N) loads is critical to understand when action to mitigate nitrate–N leaching losses…
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Framework assessment for water quality

Presentation to SWIM special interest group of policy planners and scientists from across 15 regional authorities.
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The next steps for sites with elevated E. coli concentrations above water quality guidelines

Presentation to SWIM special interest group of policy planners and scientists from across 15 regional authorities.
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