Resources related to


Manaaka Whenua

You are here: Home ­ Topics ­ Mitigation

There are more than 40 known and developing mitigation actions that go beyond industry good practice to reduce contaminants entering our waterways. These resources can help you identify and target appropriate mitigations, and discover new research on possible outcomes when they are applied.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results

Learning from Farmers – Emission Reductions

There are already farms out there that are running successful, profitable and low-GHG emission systems. BakerAg conducted research to learn from these farmers to determine…
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Future scenarios for arable agriculture – model

This model allows the exploration of scenarios related to the profitability, resilience, and sustainability of arable agriculture in New Zealand over the next 5–30 years.…
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Interactive Tool


Built on a detailed farm map, MitAgator’s software gives a spatial view of where contaminant losses are occurring and identifies critical source areas (CSAs). Targeting…
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Tukituki River and Te Mata Peak. Photo: Phillip Capper via Flickr

Synthesis Scenarios for Future Land Use

Steering land use change to meet water quality targets, through the synthesis of Our Land and Water research
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Monitoring Freshwater Improvement Actions

Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions and mitigation actions on freshwater improvement
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Interoperable Modelling

Interoperable Modelling

Designing an open source modelling system to assess productivity potential and water quality contaminant dynamics at farm and catchment scales
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Phosphorus Best Practice

Investigating whether current fertiliser and effluent guidelines and policy are strong enough to prevent phosphorus loss
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Assessing Contaminants with Stream Order

Determining whether excluding livestock from large streams in flat catchments would substantially decrease the contaminant load
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Physiographic Environments Of Nz 2

Physiographic Environments of New Zealand

Integrating landscape process knowledge with water chemistry to understand how and why surface water quality varies across New Zealand
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Sources And Flows

Sources and Flows

Managing contaminant pathways and attenuation to create headroom for productive land use.
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Land Use Interactive Map 1200x800

Land Use Suitability

Land use suitability tools and assessment processes for increasing land use diversity and delivering better community outcomes.
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