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Measuring Water Quality

Andriy Medvediuk - 123RF

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How will we know if the actions people all over Aotearoa are taking to improve the health of our freshwater are working? Our research is striving to fill data gaps and build knowledge about how to measure and model water quality.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results
Journal Article

Assessment of excess N2 for quantifying actual denitrification in NZ groundwater systems

Denitrification in groundwaters is a key nitrate (NO3) attenuation process, where leached NO3 can be reduced to gaseous forms of nitrogen (N2). In this study,…
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Journal Article

A hydrochemically guided landscape classification system for modelling spatial variation in multiple water quality indices: Process-attribute mapping

Spatial variation in landscape attributes can account for much of the variability in water quality relative to land use on its own. Such variation results…
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Journal Article

Grid-based sediment tracing: A new method to determine sediment sources

This grid-based sediment tracing technique improves the precision of source contribution estimates and enhances the granularity of sediment source maps. We test the proposed technique…
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Journal Article

Quantifying the extent of anthropogenic eutrophication of lakes at a national scale

Quantifying environmental changes relative to ecosystem reference conditions (baseline or natural states) can inform assessment of anthropogenic impacts and the development of restoration targets. We…
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Technical Report

Modelling impacts of agriculture on freshwater

In the last decade, the UNEP-SETAC working group (WULCA) established a framework to assess water consumption in life-cycle analysis, which was largely adopted by the…
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Nitrogen Attenuation via Benign Denitrification

Our Land and Water Symposium, August 2019
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Journal Article

Comparison of four learning-based methods for predicting groundwater redox status

Knowing the location where groundwater denitrification occurs, or by proxy the groundwater redox status (oxic, mixed, and anoxic), is valuable information for assessing and managing…
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Journal Article

Interpreting nesting storm event suspended sediment discharge hysteresis relationships at large catchment scales

Reducing soil erosion and sediment delivery into rivers is a major aim for land management in New Zealand. Therefore, it is important to identify areas…
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Journal Article

Water quality issues facing dairy farming: potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses in sensitive agricultural catchments

We developed a conceptual catchment-scale modelling analysis assessing potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses from dairy farming in the Tararua and Rangitikei catchments…
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A Heuristic Method for Determining Changes of Source Loads to Comply with Water Quality Limits in Catchments

A common land and water management task is to determine where and by how much source loadings need to change to meet water quality limits…
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Journal Article

CLUES model calibration: residual analysis to investigate potential sources of model error

This paper presents the results of the latest calibrations of the CLUES model for each of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and Escherichia coli. CLUES has…
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Journal Article

Evidence for the effects of land use on freshwater ecosystems in New Zealand

We used the pressure-state-impact (PSI) framework to assess evidence of land-use effects on New Zealand freshwater ecosystems. There was substantial evidence of land-use effects, particularly…
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