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Land-Use Change

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Land use in Aotearoa will change as new opportunities and challenges emerge under a changing climate. Water quality expectations will also drive change in some catchments, where investing in mitigations could be less pragmatic than some change in land use.

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Bringing people together for diverse land use – webinar

In some catchments, diversification to mixed land uses will be a more pragmatic solution than applying all mitigations on all farms – especially where a…
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The Spatial Awareness Project

Aotearoa New Zealand from 100 meters in 100 Seconds. From Cape Reinga to Gore, this film explores the variety of NZ landscapes. It asks an…
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Journal Article

Projected wine grape cultivar shifts due to climate change in New Zealand

Climate change has already been affecting the regional suitability of grapevines. This has significant implications for New Zealand. We modeled key crop phenological stages to…
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Journal Article

Land use and water quality (Editorial)

The issue of land use and land-use intensity has long been linked to water quality globally. Changing land use in New Zealand, especially in pastoral…
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Journal Article

Developing an indicator of productive potential to assess land use suitability in NZ

The Land Use Suitability (LUS) concept is composed of three indicators describing the inherent productive and economic potential of land parcels (productive potential), the contribution…
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If the climate is changing, will land use need to change?

The earth’s surface has gradually been warming up since the beginning of the 20th century – by as much as 1C in some places. One…
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Technical Report

Creating a diverse and sustainable dairy farming and forestry landscape

Analysis of the results and discussion indicates that our hypothesis did not eventuate. There was not the increase in pasture production in the ‘shade’ environment…
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Technical Report

Integrating horticultural and arable land use options into hill country farming systems: Site-specific crop options and value chain-based business case

The ‘Integrating Horticultural and Arable Land Use Options into Hill Country Farm Systems’ research project developed a process for crop identification and assessment to help…
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Technical Report

Barriers to diversification

This report covers a project funded by Our Land and Water, to investigate the challenges faced by landowners when they seek to diversify via land…
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Technical Report

Integrating horticultural and arable land use options into hill country farming systems: The multi-criteria decision-making process

The ‘Integrating Horticultural and Arable Land Use Options into Hill Country Farm Systems’ research project aims to develop a process and tools for crop identification…
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Journal Article

Attribution of River Water-Quality Trends to Agricultural Land Use and Climate Variability in New Zealand

Trends at 1051 river monitoring sites across New Zealand incrementing annually for time windows of 10 and 20 years over the 28-year period ending 2017…
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