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Land-Use Change

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Land use in Aotearoa will change as new opportunities and challenges emerge under a changing climate. Water quality expectations will also drive change in some catchments, where investing in mitigations could be less pragmatic than some change in land use.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 149 results

Emerging Proteins: Threat or Opportunity for Māori?

What are the opportunities from a shift to any of the viable options for plant-based protein, to address social, environmental, cultural, and economic issues associated…
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The Fairies at the Bottom of the Lab: or Aotearoa New Zealand Food Industry Imaginaries of a Cellular-Agriculture Future

Defining cellular agriculture. The aim of the research project. A growing sociotechnical network. Premium-scape, multi-scape or STEM-scape? Presented at the AgriFood Conference 2023 in Tasmania,…
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Protein future scenarios: Infographics

Three infographics depict the environmental, economic, and selected regional outcomes of four scenarios based on different rates of technological advancement for the main alternative protein…
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Journal Article

Integrated impact assessment for land and water management

Impact assessment considers the future consequences of current or proposed actions, but multiple impact assessment types and silos of expertise make integration difficult. When faced…
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Technical Report

Legumes for Our Land and Water

Using deferred grazing technology to increase the legume content of hill country pastures. Deferred grazing, which involves grazing exclusion from late spring until after seed-fall…
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Interactive Tool

Worker Requirements by Land Use

This dashboard estimates the number of full-time equivalent staff needed seasonally for different land-use scenarios. It can suggest complementary land uses to smooth out seasonal…
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Interactive Tool

Labour and Land-use Regional Model for Aotearoa

The Labour and Land-use Regional Model for Aotearoa helps track labour availability and costs. Being aware of regional workforce capacity will contribute to understanding the suitability…
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State of Grain: Impacts & risks for dairy farmers

This infographic depicts the risks, supply and demand for imported feed in New Zealand. The PDF of this infographic linked below will print on two…
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A practical guide for using green crops in New Zealand

This guidebook aims to make it easier for NZ farmers to use green crops more confidently and effectively. Doing so will improve nutrient creation and…
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Using green crops for soil fertility and health

These video resources have been created to make it easier for NZ farmers to use green crops more confidently and effectively. Doing so will improve…
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Technical Report

Integration of agroforestry systems within irrigated dairy farms in Waimakariri, Canterbury

This Project explores environmental and economic benefits that agroforestry systems can provide to the dryland corners of irrigated Canterbury dairy farms. Dryland corners of farms…
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