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Charles Farmer, PIXNIO

You are here: Home ­ Topics ­ E.coli

Summer swims in a lake or river are an important part of Kiwi culture – but to be safe, the presence of E.coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria has to be minimised. These resources aim to reduce farm sources of E.coli and improve its detection.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 259 results
Technical Report

Parameters for simple empirical catchment water quality models for simulating Escherichia coli in New Zealand rivers

E. coli is sampled at over 1000 long-term river water quality monitoring stations across New Zealand every month. Analyses associated with NPS-FM implementation commonly use…
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Management Practices to Improve Water Quality (learning module)

This kōwae (learning module) will help you support farmers in creating cost-effective freshwater environment plans using science from Our Land and Water. You will learn:…
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Our Land and Water Podcast Series

Our Land and Water introduces insights from eight years of science in this podcast series. In each episode you will hear from the scientists and…
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Our Land and Water Podcast Episode 1: How bad is our water quality, really?

For the past eight years, Our Land and Water has funded research with the goal of improving the health of our rivers and lakes here…
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Interactive Tool


Built on a detailed farm map, MitAgator’s software gives a spatial view of where contaminant losses are occurring and identifies critical source areas (CSAs). Targeting…
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Faecal Source Tracking

Identifying the sources of faecal contamination in waterways, and identifying naturalised Escherichia coli to help establish water quality for swimming
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