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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Showing 1 - 12 of 121 results
Journal Article

Stressor-response relationships and the prospective management of aquatic ecosystems

We set out a framework for interpreting S-R relationships in terms of functional forms, trajectories, thresholds and slopes. These characteristics convey information about resistance to…
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Technical Report

Measurement of neon in groundwaters for quantification of denitrification in aquifers

Nitrate is the most pervasive contaminant in New Zealand’s groundwaters. Thus, understanding and managing nitrogen loads through New Zealand’s aquifers is vital for maintaining the…
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Journal Article

Identifying resilience dimensions and thresholds: evidence from four rural communities in NZ

Community resilience is a critical determinant of how a community can cope with stressors and disturbances, but has proved difficult to conceptualise and measure. This…
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Journal Article

Integration of ANP and Fuzzy set techniques for land suitability assessment based on remote sensing and GIS irrigated maize cultivation.

Land suitability assessment can inform decisions on land uses suitable for maximizing crop yield while making best use, but not impairing the ability of natural…
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Journal Article

Indirect Methods to Elucidate Water Flows and Contaminant Transfer Pathways through Meso-scale Catchments – a Review

We provide a critical review of indirect methods to elucidate water flows and contaminant transfer pathways through meso-scale catchments, as the proliferation of such methods…
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Journal Article

On the use of multicriteria decision analysis to formally integrate community values into ecosystem-based freshwater management

Freshwater ecosystems are essential to peoples’ economic, cultural, and social well-being, yet are still among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. Consequently, a plethora…
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Journal Article

The changing role of science and scientists in supporting community-centered land and water policy processes in Canterbury

In this case study, we examine the role of science and scientists in community-led collaborative policy processes. We outline the shift from science-led linear policy…
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Molecular Approaches to Identify Benign Denitrification in Shallow Groundwaters

We measured lower dissolved N2O and higher denitrifier genes abundance in the groundwater samples collected from reducing (anoxic) groundwaters sites, as compared with the groundwater…
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Technical Report

Application of Eutrophication Potential Indicators in a Case Study Catchment in NZ

The objective of this work was to determine the effects and implications of Eutrophication Potential indicators in the lifecycle assessment of livestock farm systems using…
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Dissolved gases as indicator of denitrification in shallow groundwaters in agricultural landscape

NZ Soil Science Society Conference, December 2018
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Adaptation of water eutrophication indicators for EU environmental footprinting of NZ products

To address impacts on freshwater eutrophication, it is paramount that both N and P are accounted for. The current recommendation from the EC for Product…
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Land-use effects on aquatic ecosystems – strengthening the evidence base

NZ Freshwater Sciences Conference, December 2018
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