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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Stay up to date with new evidence and mātauranga Māori from cross-institute, transdisciplinary teams of Aotearoa New Zealand’s best agricultural and environmental scientists, working to future proof farming and improve the vitality of te Taiao.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 309 results
Technical Report

Evaluation of Cow Collar Technology

Cow collars, including ear tags and boluses and tags with similar functions, are recent technologies which provide cow health and reproductive monitoring to improve livestock…
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Journal Article

High-resolution genomic analysis to investigate the impact of the invasive brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and other wildlife on microbial water quality assessments

Escherichia coli are routine indicators of fecal contamination in water quality assessments. Contrary to livestock and human activities, brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), common invasive marsupials in…
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Journal Article

Monitoring to detect changes in water quality to meet policy objectives

Detecting change in water quality is key to providing evidence of progress towards meeting water quality objectives. A key measure for detecting change is statistical…
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Technical Report

Learning from Farmers: On-farm emissions reductions

There is a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability within food and fibre systems, both in New Zealand and globally. This is reflected in government regulations,…
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Technical Report

Integration of agroforestry systems within irrigated dairy farms in Waimakariri, Canterbury

This Project explores environmental and economic benefits that agroforestry systems can provide to the dryland corners of irrigated Canterbury dairy farms. Dryland corners of farms…
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Technical Report

Land Use Diversification Challenges and opportunities for three North Canterbury farmers

This project concentrated on the unique opportunity to assess three separate farm businesses and the proposed changes to their systems, illustrating the environmental impacts and…
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Journal Article

A review of the development and implementation of the critical source area concept: A reflection of Andrew Sharpley’s role in improving water quality

Critical source areas (CSAs) are small areas of a field, farm, or catchment that account for most contaminant loss by having both a high contaminant…
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Journal Article

An integrative approach to silvopastoral system design: perspectives, potentials and principles

Silvopastoral systems have complex impacts on a diverse range of outcomes, making it essential to design these systems using an integrative approach to maximise positive…
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Introduction to the Find Data platform (MVP V1.2)

The Kuaha Matihiko: Digital Gateway project aimed to build a comprehensive online tool that provides access to New Zealand’s rich repository of land and water…
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Interactive Tool

Find Data platform

Find Data provides fast and efficient access to vital information on land and water data, tailored to serve the diverse needs of its users. Currently…
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