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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Stay up to date with new evidence and mātauranga Māori from cross-institute, transdisciplinary teams of Aotearoa New Zealand’s best agricultural and environmental scientists, working to future proof farming and improve the vitality of te Taiao.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 309 results
Journal Article

Collective storytelling as a river restoration tool: The role of catchment communities in inspiring environmental change

In Aotearoa New Zealand, catchment communities have been actively working to restore the health of their rivers, in some cases for many decades. Their knowledge…
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Future scenarios for arable agriculture

Food security, tackling climate change through emissions reduction, and developing alternative proteins in New Zealand are three threads that were explored by the Future Scenarios…
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Journal Article

Phenotyping early-vigour in oat cover crops to assess plant-trait effects across environments

Early-vigour is a plant trait phenotypically characterised by a rapid expansion of leaf area in early stages of crop growth, before canopy closure. Although early-vigour…
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Journal Article

How much less? Estimating price discounts for suboptimal food with environmental and social credence attributes

Price discounting strategies for suboptimal food perform an essential part in reducing food waste. This study provides new information empirically estimating discounts for levels of…
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Journal Article

Understanding Land-Use Trade-off Decision Making Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process: Insights from Agricultural Land Managers in Zambia

Understanding factors that influence trade-offs between agricultural expansion and forest conservation is important in managing competing land-use objectives. This paper applies elements of the Analytical…
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Journal Article

Phosphorus and iron-oxide transport from a hydrologically isolated grassland hillslope

Losses of N, P and Fe in drainage responded differently to waterlogging. Moderate nitrate concentration prevented Fe–P dissolution and loss in drainage. Low nitrate concentrations…
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Journal Article

The longevity of cultivation in decreasing the potential for phosphorus loss in runoff

Phosphorus (P) loss from highly fertilised grazed pastures can impair surface water quality. High P concentrations in grazed pastures are maintained to boost legume production,…
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Journal Article

An Analysis of Agricultural Systems Modelling Approaches and Examples to Support Future Policy Development under Disruptive Changes in New Zealand

Agricultural systems have entered a period of significant disruption due to impacts from change drivers, increasingly stringent environmental regulations and the need to reduce unwanted…
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Journal Article

A Global Database of Soil Plant Available Phosphorus

Soil phosphorus drives food production that is needed to feed a growing global population. However, knowledge of plant available phosphorus stocks at a global scale…
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Journal Article

Climate change impacts on erosion and suspended sediment loads in New Zealand

• Modelling climate change impacts on national erosion and sediment loads is challenging. • Framework for estimating future load contributions from predominant erosion sources presented…
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Journal Article

A new robust hybrid model based on support vector machine and firefly meta-heuristic algorithm to predict pistachio yields and select effective soil variables

Pistachio production is an economically important crop that grows in arid environments. To predict yield and sustainably manage the use of natural resources such as…
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Technical Report

Effects of climate change and erosion mitigation on suspended sediment loads and visual clarity in the Wairoa catchment, Hawke’s Bay

The Wairoa River is significant to the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa. An important threat to the health of the river…
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