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Andrii Medvediuk, 123RF

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Showing 1 - 12 of 124 results

Quantifying Actual Denitrification in Groundwater Systems – poster

This poster provides a one-page summary of research to quantify actual denitrification in groundwater systems. Measurement of neon, argon and N2(g) identifies: 1. Excess N2(g)…
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Benign denitrification in shallow groundwaters

Land Use and Water Quality Agriculture and the Environment, Denmark, June 2019
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Development of Next Generation Farming Systems using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making framework

Land Use and Water Quality Agriculture and the Environment, June 2019, Denmark
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Next Generation Farming Systems -Transformation by Design

Poster presentation displayed at the Land Use and Water Quality Agriculture and the Environment, June 2019, Denmark
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Powhiri as a tool for Collaboration

Insight into how all New Zealanders can use the elements of Powhiri as a guide for collaborations, creatively told through film.
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Journal Article

Assessment of excess N2 for quantifying actual denitrification in NZ groundwater systems

Denitrification in groundwaters is a key nitrate (NO3) attenuation process, where leached NO3 can be reduced to gaseous forms of nitrogen (N2). In this study,…
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Journal Article

Applications of the Soil, Plant and Rumen Microbiomes in Pastoral Agriculture

This paper was commissioned by Our Land and Water to test the hypothesis: ‘Significant additional gains in soil, plant, and animal productivity, coupled with reduced…
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Journal Article

Reinterpreting the value chain in an indigenous community enterprise context

The purpose of this paper is to interpret values that may inform a new approach to considering value chains from New Zealand Māori kin community…
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Journal Article

A hydrochemically guided landscape classification system for modelling spatial variation in multiple water quality indices: Process-attribute mapping

Spatial variation in landscape attributes can account for much of the variability in water quality relative to land use on its own. Such variation results…
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Grid-based sediment tracing: A new method to determine sediment sources

This grid-based sediment tracing technique improves the precision of source contribution estimates and enhances the granularity of sediment source maps. We test the proposed technique…
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Forging future organizational leaders for sustainability science

Our Land and Water director Ken Taylor contributed to this paper in Nature Sustainability, with thinking influenced by the work of the Collaboration Lab. Leaders…
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gndDb, a Database of Partial gnd Sequences To Assist with Analysis of Escherichia coli Communities Using High-Throughput Sequencing

The use of culture methods to detect Escherichia coli diversity does not provide sufficient resolution to identify strains present at low levels. Here, we target…
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