Resources for

Farm Advisors

Paul Sutherland

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As a rural professional, you can help farmers and growers understand the drivers for regulation and get ahead of the game. Be confident in trying new approaches, with case studies and evidence-based resources to inform on-farm decision making and reduce risk.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 186 results
Technical Report

Application of remote sensing in spatial irrigation scheduling

While the science of calculating crop coefficients using remote sensing has been around since the 1970’s, a robust commercial product is not yet available. This…
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Technical Report

A risk assessment approach for prioritising actions in farm environment plans with mahinga kai values

The project co-developed and produced a geospatial tool that is available through a webpage. The beta tool allows users (initially dairy farmers) to identify and…
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If the climate is changing, will land use need to change?

The earth’s surface has gradually been warming up since the beginning of the 20th century – by as much as 1C in some places. One…
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Tech Note: Nitrate-Nitrogen Leaching in Horticulture

Two-page guidance from Ravensdown for nutrient management decisions/practices in horticulture, and the implications of these practices when combined with rainfall events resulting in drainage. Based…
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Technical Report

Does the quality of drinking water (bore vs town supply) influence water intake, milk production and animal preferences in dairy cattle?

Water intake and feed intake are closely related in cattle, thus conditions that restrict water intake are likely to influence production. Cattle are sensitive to…
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Technical Report

Report on strip-till trial for seed crops

This experiment aimed to investigate if the seed yield of radish can be maintained through the use of strip tillage compared with full cultivation. Radish…
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Technical Report

Creating a diverse and sustainable dairy farming and forestry landscape

Analysis of the results and discussion indicates that our hypothesis did not eventuate. There was not the increase in pasture production in the ‘shade’ environment…
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Technical Report

Integrating horticultural and arable land use options into hill country farming systems: Site-specific crop options and value chain-based business case

The ‘Integrating Horticultural and Arable Land Use Options into Hill Country Farm Systems’ research project developed a process for crop identification and assessment to help…
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Technical Report

Nguturoa catchment ‘Seeing Understanding Believing’ project

The project focussed on building capability and capacity for change in the farming sector, to assist in creating new pathways towards future landscapes, by identifying…
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Technical Report

Barriers to diversification

This report covers a project funded by Our Land and Water, to investigate the challenges faced by landowners when they seek to diversify via land…
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Technical Report

Orchard soil characterisation

This study aimed to explore the role of different soil properties in relation to avocado orchard yield. Data from this study will also be incorporated…
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Technical Report

Integrating horticultural and arable land use options into hill country farming systems: The multi-criteria decision-making process

The ‘Integrating Horticultural and Arable Land Use Options into Hill Country Farm Systems’ research project aims to develop a process and tools for crop identification…
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