Resources for

Farm Advisors

Paul Sutherland

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As a rural professional, you can help farmers and growers understand the drivers for regulation and get ahead of the game. Be confident in trying new approaches, with case studies and evidence-based resources to inform on-farm decision making and reduce risk.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 171 results

Guidelines for the use of Pohewa Pae Tawhiti to support decisions around changes in land use

Pohewa Pae Tawhiti (PPT) (Visualising Horizons) combines whakaarotau and pohewa (priorities and visions) with biophysical data (current and modelled future) to enable potential options for…
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Agrivoltaics webinar: Effectively integrating livestock and solar energy production

A webinar addressing the legal and consenting considerations associated with agrivoltaics in Aotearoa New Zealand. The webinar brought together a panel of industry experts including…
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Using eDNA to identify taonga species: Te Miro Farm case study

This research project aimed to enable farmers to see where wildlife and farmed animals are contributing to environmental DNA (eDNA), provide a method to detect…
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