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A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science partnerships with Kaitiaki for Research Involving Taonga

This guide is to help scientists and researchers ensure they are informed and understand the complexities of the Wai 262 claim. This resource can help…
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Wai 262 opportunities for National Science Challenges – webinar

Te Pae Kahurangi, the government’s 2020 CRI review, has signalled changes ahead. While the future of National Science Challenges is unclear, there is still much…
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History and impacts of Wai 262 – webinar

We all need to understand the origins, history and impacts of the Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal claim on individuals and whanau, so that we can…
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Wai 262 Best Practice Guide launch – webinar

During Puanga/Matariki 2022, a year on from the Wai 262 webinar series hosted by the Rauika Māngai, we came together again to launch the report,…
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Appropriate Use Of Taonga Species

Appropriate Use of Taonga Species

Exploring cultural licence to use indigenous organisms in high-value product development, to support emerging land-use opportunities for collectively owned Māori land
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Interoperable Modelling

Interoperable Modelling

Designing an open source modelling system to assess productivity potential and water quality contaminant dynamics at farm and catchment scales
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Pasture For Humans

Pasture for Humans

Land-use change through harvested pasture proteins
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