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Growing for Good: A ‘Win-Win-Win’ Plan for Future Food Production

Changing what we farm, and where, could provide all New Zealanders with a healthy diet with benefits to our water, climate, and the national economy,…
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Study Shows Dairy Farm Work is Helping Improve Water Quality

The implementation of Good Management Practices on-farm does improve water quality, proves new research that analysed water quality trends over 20 years. As part of…
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Primary Industry Trade at Risk Unless Assurance is Tightened

Two recently published reports look at the gap between Aotearoa’s assurance schemes for the primary sector and our trade potential. A new report, EU Green Deal:…
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More Investment in Water Quality Monitoring is Needed

Aotearoa will not know if our water quality is improving for another 20 years unless we make a large investment in our water quality monitoring…
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Growing More Grain: Impacts & Opportunities for Dairy Farmers

New Zealand’s livestock sectors are reliant on imported grain and PKE. Recently completed research asks whether growing more grain in New Zealand is a viable…
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Extreme Weather a Critical Concern for Next Decade of Farming, Experts Say

One year after the widespread devastation caused by the catastrophic flooding of cyclone Gabrielle, a new report finds that primary sector experts are deeply concerned…
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Digging into the Promise of Pasture Protein – for Humans

Harvesting pasture to extract protein for human food could be a promising option for farmers looking to diversify and reduce their environmental footprint, finds new…
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