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A method to derive nitrogen transport factors for New Zealand's agricultural lands

Risk index tools have the potential to assist farmers in making strategic decisions regarding their farm design to manage losses of nutrients. Such tools require…
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Lower Cost Native Restoration of Farmland: Tīmata Method Fact Sheet

This six-page fact sheet on the Tīmata Method has been developed for New Zealand land owners. The Tīmata Method, which in Māori translates to begin,…
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Refinement of the Framework for Assessment of Recreational Water Quality

Regional and city council staff now have a documented process to follow when faecal contamination is identified in freshwater, created by ESR researchers involved in…
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Outcome Spaces Framework

A practical framework to plan for preferred outcomes in transdisciplinary projects. The outcome is a map that compiles the project outcomes expected by the collective…
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A spatial analysis framework to assess responses of agricultural landscapes to climates and soils at regional scale

This chapter describes the structure, datasets and processing methods of a new spatial analysis framework to assess the response of agricultural landscapes to climates and…
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Achieving unbiased predictions of national-scale groundwater redox conditions via data oversampling and statistical learning

An important policy consideration for integrated land and water management is to understand the spatial distribution of nitrate attenuation in the groundwater system, for which…
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A Heuristic Method for Determining Changes of Source Loads to Comply with Water Quality Limits in Catchments

A common land and water management task is to determine where and by how much source loadings need to change to meet water quality limits…
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Method to Measure Rural Community Resilience

The Indicators Working Group (co-funded by AgResearch) produced a method to measure community resilience at a point in time using Statistics NZ data to indicate…
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A strategy for optimizing catchment management actions to stressor–response relationships in freshwaters

Defining a receiving environment,-value-contaminant system and determining a specific stressor–response relationship for that system provide valuable decision support strategy to optimize management actions toward a…
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