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Guidelines for the use of Pohewa Pae Tawhiti to support decisions around changes in land use

Pohewa Pae Tawhiti (PPT) (Visualising Horizons) combines whakaarotau and pohewa (priorities and visions) with biophysical data (current and modelled future) to enable potential options for…
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Tools for Making Land Use Change Decisions (learning module)

Work through the activities in this kōwae (course) to learn how to help farm businesses to make decisions about land use diversification. You will learn:…
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Management Practices to Improve Water Quality (learning module)

This kōwae (learning module) will help you support farmers in creating cost-effective freshwater environment plans using science from Our Land and Water. You will learn:…
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Monitoring water clarity and turbidity in rivers

Water clarity and turbidity are commonly used measures of optical water quality. Water clarity (also referred to as visual clarity) is the ability of light…
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Monitoring total phosphorus in lakes

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of plants and animals. However, elevated phosphorus concentrations in a lake can lead to eutrophication,…
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Monitoring phosphorus in rivers

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of plants and animals. It occurs naturally as phosphate bound to rocks and soil, and…
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Monitoring periphyton in rivers

Periphyton is the brown or green slime that grows on stones, wood or any other stable surfaces in streams and rivers. In some situations, it…
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