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Learning from Farmers – Emission Reductions

There are already farms out there that are running successful, profitable and low-GHG emission systems. BakerAg conducted research to learn from these farmers to determine…
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Feeding Aotearoa

There’s arguably little else more important than ensuring an adequate and healthy food supply for our people, and in our changing world, food systems will need to adapt. This…
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Healthy Waterways Register Webinar

The Healthy Waterways Land Management Actions Register is for all land holders, land managers, kaitiaki and catchment groups who sustainably manage their lands. This register…
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Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Framework Webinar

The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Framework shows the impact of land use changes on economic, social, cultural and environmental indicators, allowing exploration of scenarios where…
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Find Data: Digital Gateway Webinar

The Find Data platform aims to streamline access to vital land and water information for a diverse range of users. A ‘minimum viable product' is…
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Worker Requirements Webinar

Labour shortages in the agrifood sector were highlighted when Covid-19 closed borders, but the underlying shortages go back further. For example, the conversion of sheep,…
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Data Sharing Opportunities & Insights

Sharing farmer data between primary sector organisations and government agencies is a long-held goal of farmers and a current government pre-election policy. It could save…
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An Introduction to Agrivoltaics

An overview of agrivoltaics, combining food production with solar energy production. Featuring Jasper Kueppers, a renewable energy engineer at Infratec, farm consultant Anna Vaughan, Professor…
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Agrivoltaics and Te Ao Māori

Mavis Mullins (Rangitāne, Atihaunua a Pāpārangi), chair of Nga Whenua Rahui, discussons how lessons from the past can inform decisions about the use of agrivoltaics…
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