What Did We Do
Next Generation Influencers was a one-year programme to develop the capability of influential, innovative future leaders.
The 15 people selected to participate in the Next Generation Influencers programme are at the forefront of fundamental shifts in attitudes and behaviours. Participants are working in fields aligned with Our Land and Water: to create resilient, diversified landscapes, to maximise global value for what we produce, and to build community capability to transition to more sustainable futures.
The 2018-2019 programme consisted of 3 workshops developed to build the skills, networks and connections of Next Generation Influencers. Participants then each developed a project to further the work of Our Land and Water and bring about understanding and change. Each Next Generation Influencer was partnered with a mentor who supports their project and helps develop their skills and networks.
Participant Spotlight

Angela Clifford
Eat New Zealand | The Food Farm | Tongue in Groove Wines
Telling the story of New Zealand grains and seeds through the Eat New Zealand network for the purpose of creating shorter value chains, and therefore more sustainable land use.

Rachel Cooper
Policy Analyst for Agricultural Emissions, Ministry for Primary Industries | Homeward Bound International Leadership Programme
Developing a programme to encourage more young girls into science and help them to develop confidence and skills to lead. The programme is based in the outdoors and teaches the sciences in a variety of ways.

Manaia Cunningham
Ngai Tahu strategic advisor, ECan
Developing an organic growing system for Māori potatoes at a small scale and promoting their nutrient value. Working closely with Eat New Zealand and networking with other organic growers on the east coast of the Canterbury region.

Ellen Hume
Researcher, Te Pūnaha Matatini Centre of Research Excellence | University of Auckland
Taking a more integrated approach to researching complex environmental system issues to improve decision-making processes.

Rebecca Hyde
Ravensdown | Inverloch Farm Ltd | Nuffield Scholar
Bringing Māori cultural understanding and ways of thinking into mainstream discussion with industry bodies and farmers.

Sam Lang
Farmer and collaborator (self-employed) | Nuffield Scholar
Sharing stories of regenerative farm and food system innovation, and collaborating to build support networks for farmers moving towards regenerative systems.

Alex McCall
Co-founder, Choice | Squawk Squad | Edmund Hilary Fellow
Using technology to connect and engage New Zealanders in social and environmental issues.

Nicola McHaffie
Hawkes Bay Regional Council | Secretary, NZ Association of Resource Management
Growing my leadership style to encourage engagement and connection between my team, land owners and mana whenua.

Lisa McLaren
PhD student, Joint Centre for Disaster Research | National convenor, Zero Carbon Act campaign
Collaborating with Our Land and Water scientists to make my PhD model relevant for the primary industry sector. My current PhD model provides a way for community resilience principles to be integrated into community/participatory science within the hazard management field.

Paul Mudge
Soil scientist, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Promote and foster integrated research to concurrently address issues around soil/water quality and climate change mitigation/adaptation.

Carla Muller
Perrin Ag Consultants | President, New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management
Redefining economic indicators to capture a more holistic measure of economic value.

Kolja Schaller
Land Management Advisor, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Connecting with landowners and farmers to enable the sharing of knowledge and perspectives to build environmental, economic, cultural and social capitals.

Will Tait-Jamieson
Senior Advisor, Ministry for Primary Industries | Trustee, Our Seas Our Future
Connecting partners in Northland for environmental and economic benefit.